HOW TO BUILD A POSITIVE PERSONALITY There are many ways to enhance personality. But here we will talk about specifically about how to build a positive personality. A personality with positive aura attracts more people than anu others, and build authentic relationship and have a high productivity as everyone wants to be around positive energies. Positive personality is a core quality to achieve success. Now let's discuss, how one can build positive personality: HOW TO BUILD A POSITIVE PERSONALITY 1) Don't be permanent complainer Do Complain, but don't become a permanent complaining personality. It irritates others and create a negative aura around you, which radiates negative energies, which obviously is not a trait of positive personality. 2) Smile, Be Kind and Generous Have a genuine smile on your face. This will reflect on others face too. It improves yoir face value. A smile is a contagious and is an inexpensive way to improve looks. A smiling fa e...